Package Providers

Host and distribute your MODX packages for free.

As MODX Ambassadors we wanted to provide a service back to other developers. We already use a private package provider for our own work, so opening this up for everyone felt like the right thing to do.

Package providers are free for everyone, and we use the revenue from our Premium Extras to help sustain that service.

The purpose behind the providers is to offer developers (or a team of developers - coming soon) the ability to manage a repository of packages used for client-specific work. Things you wouldn't like to share publicly but would like to to handle via the Package Manager within MODX.

Our service allows you to upload versioned packages and assign them to different projects/clients. All changes are reflected immediately so your package will be available to download (or update) straight away from our High Availability hosting platform.

The conversation went something like this...

Hey Chris… You know that package provider we're building, to download and install the extras?
PHP Developer, Adido
Yeah …?
UX Developer, Adido
Well, seeing as it's there, why don't we make it available for everyone to use? Then people can manage their own packages across multiple projects with one central service.
PHP Developer, Adido
Like a …
UX Developer, Adido
IN FACT they should be able to pick and choose which projects to add packages to, in essence creating their own unique providers. They'll be able to make updates available to all their sites in just a few clicks.
PHP Developer, Adido
So they …
UX Developer, Adido
Oh, and we'll host it all for free.
PHP Developer, Adido
……… ok
UX Developer, Adido

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Create and deploy custom package providers in minutes.

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